Consistent branding, both locally and globally

What is a brand?

According to the American Marketing Association, a brand is defined as a name, term, design, symbol, or any feature that distinguishes one seller’s goods or services from those of others. Additionally, ISO brand standards describe a brand as an intangible asset aimed at creating distinctive images and associations in the minds of stakeholders, ultimately generating economic benefits and value.

In simpler terms, your brand can include your company name, the name of a product or service, the color of your logo, a symbol associated with your company, or any combination of these elements.

What is branding?

Branding is an ongoing process of identifying, creating, and managing the collective assets and actions that influence how stakeholders perceive a brand. In simpler terms, branding involves raising awareness of your brand and consistently shaping its image across all interactions with the public. These interactions can take many forms, including flyers, advertisements, social media posts, newsletters, public speeches, and more.

International branding

If you want to expand your business and offer your products or services globally, you must adapt them to align with the cultural preferences of different countries or regions. For example, you may need to modify your logo or company slogan to resonate better with a specific audience. Additionally, an advertisement or banner that is effective in one country might not have the same impact in another. These considerations are crucial before making decisions that could influence your brand in international markets.

With the support of an international team of cultural consultants, multilingual copywriters, translators, localizers, and transcreators, any branding or marketing material can be professionally adapted to the specifics of your target country.