Transcreation in Greek and German

Transcreation is crucial and goes beyond simple translation. Marketing slogans and jingles require transcreation because direct translations often fail to resonate with the target audience and can sound awkward. Additionally, poems need to be transcreated to preserve their rhyme and rhythm.

Consider the title of your favorite book, movie, or marketing slogan in your native language. Has it been translated or transcreated into that language? If the translated title has little in common with the original, it is likely a result of transcreation.

transcreation examples

Movie title transcreation example

Original title: “The Shawshank Redemption” (source: IMDb.)

Transcreation example of the movie poster "The Shawshank Redemption".


“The Shawshank Redemption”

Movie poster "Die Verurteilten (original: The Shawshank Redemption)".


“Die Verurteilten”

Movie poster "Τελευταία έξοδος: Ρίτα Χέιγουορθ (The Shawshank Redemption)".


“Τελευταία έξοδος: Ρίτα Χέιγουορθ”

Book title transcreation example

Original title: “Staring at the Sun” by Irvin D. Yalom (source: Amazon)

Transcreation example of a book cover: "Staring at the Sun" by Irvin Yalom.


“Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death”

Titelseite des Buches: "In die Sonne schauen: Wie man die Angst vor dem Tod überwindet" (Staring at the sun) by Irvin Yalom.


“In die Sonne schauen: Wie man die Angst vor dem Tod überwindet”

Transcreation example of the book cover "Στον κήπο του Επίκουρου" (Staring at the Sun) by Irvin Yalom.


“Στον κήπο του Επίκουρου: Αφήνοντας πίσω τον τρόμο του θανάτου”

Marketing slogan transcreation example

The German lyrics of the HARIBO slogan were adapted to the local culture of each country, keeping the characteristic melody. The following examples have been retrieved from Wikipedia.


“Haribo macht Kinder froh – und Erwachsene ebenso.”


“Haribo è la bontà, che si gusta ad ogni età.”


“Haribo δίνει χαρά σε μεγάλους και παιδιά.”


“Vive un sabor mágico, ven al mundo Haribo.”


“Kids and grown-ups love it so – the happy world of Haribo.”


“Haribo c’est beau la vie, pour les grands et les petits.”


“Çocuk ya da büyük ol, Haribo’yla mutlu ol.”


“Gyermek, felnőtt kedve jó – édes élet, Haribo.”

Note: All logos, trademarks, and copyrights in the examples above belong to their respective owners.
Any third-party images or screenshots are used for illustrative purposes only.